Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hello, Hello!

So, I had to create a blog as an assignment for my EDU 725 class at Meredith College, "Integrating Social Studies and the Arts." I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging thus far about educational field trips, readings and things that I find inspiring as a pre-service teacher. Now, this educational blog of mine is all fine and dandy, but I felt as if I needed another outlet. A separate space for all of my musings and inspirations that do not strictly pertain to education. So, I decided to create 'Life, According to Sarah.'

I feel that reflecting on life's events and revealing and writing about the things that I love is important. Writing every day is something that I want to make a life goal, as well as reading. I think that it is impossible to write too much. In one of my classes this morning, Classroom Management, I watched a video called "Good Morning, Mrs. Toliver!" The video followed an Algebra 2 teacher who required her students to practice writing and speaking as communicative skills. Communicative skills are such an essential thing to possess in order to succeed in this world. I believe that by communicating my life through this blog, I will be strengthening those skills.

I will use the rest of this post to let you know a little about me. I was born in New Bern, NC but was raised in Morehead City, NC by my parents and my two wonderful grandmothers, Sylvia and Valerie, who are two of my favorite people in the world. If you don't know where Morehead City is, it is on the East Coast of North Carolina -- yes, I grew up at the beach! In middle school, I developed a passion for all things historical. I was devoted to reading biographies of presidents of the United States, first ladies, and tracking my family's history back to Ireland, Scotland and Germany. My dream job beginning in the 8th grade was to be Doris Kearns Goodwin, a Presidential Historian.

In high school, I was a member of the band. Music is very important to my family and myself. Prior to beginning to play the clarinet, I took piano lessons for twelve years from my church's organist, Rachel Mundine. All of my grandma Valerie's grandchildren took piano lessons. It was almost as if it was a requirement of being in the family, but I loved the piano nonetheless. To this day, I still love to hear my grandmother playing the piano in her house - she is my inspiration, and she plays beautifully. Over the years, I have lost my touch for the piano, but I hope to one day soon pick it back up, and pass the skill on to my children.

I attended undergraduate school at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, and majored in history (surprise, surprise!). I have always loved history museums, historic sites, memorials, historic buildings and houses, and anything else HISTORIC -- you name it! My junior year at UNC, I took a Public History course, which is the study of presenting history to the public through all of these venues. I thought that Public History was going to by my life's work. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading about everything from the history of Mount Vernon to the restoration of several monuments and memorials, commemorating many of the United States' heroes. Somewhere along the way during my senior year at UNC, I decided that in addition to teaching the public about history, I would love to teach the nation's youth, and that is what brought me to where I am today, getting a Masters of Arts in Teaching at Meredith College in Raleigh, NC.

In December, I will graduate with a Masters Degree in K-6 Education. My dream is to either teach 4th grade, which centers around North Carolina studies, or teach 6th grade social studies, which includes the studies of Eastern Europe and Asia. Whatever I decide to teach, I know I will be happy; I will be making a difference in the lives of tomorrow's future leaders.

Did I mention that I am also planning my wedding to my college sweetheart, David, who is the most wonderful man on the face of the Earth (in my opinion)!? David and I met at UNC our sophomore year and have been happy ever since. We will be getting married on May 28, 2011 - just a little under 11 months from now! Our wedding will be at the church I grew up in, First United Methodist Church of Morehead City, and our reception will be at the beautiful Country Club of the Crystal Coast in Pine Knoll Shores, right on the sound. I cannot express how excited I am, and I will be blogging a lot about wedding planning, you can be sure of that!

I know that I have been long winded for this first post. I look forward to updating (hopefully) daily one everything that I love and my inspirations. Please come back soon!


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